Ruby Zoisite Komboloi AC0161

Ruby in zoisite (anyolite) komboloi made of 33 round-shaped beads each 9 mm in diameter, threaded on a high-strength cord.

It is 27 cm long and weighs 49 gr.

It comes with a certificate of authenticity.

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SKU: AC0161 Category:

Ruby zoisite (anyolite) is a mineral named after the Slovenian scientist Ziga Zois who identified it in 1805. Zoisite is available in three different types. This particular komboloi is made of anyolite beads. It has a bright green color with opaque ruby inclusions.

All minerals used for the creation of our kombolois are mostly gemstones used to craft jewelry. Please treat this komboloi with care. Inclusions, cracks and breakage surfaces are a natural phenomenon and should never be associated with wear and tear.

Ημιπολύτιμες πέτρες

Ruby In Zoisite