Tiger’s Eye Komboloi AC0139

Tiger’s eye komboloi made of 21 round-shaped beads each 10 mm in diameter threaded on a highly durable cord.

It is 24 cm long and weighs 39 gr.

A certificate of authenticity is provided.

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SKU: AC0139 Category:

Tiger’s eye is a translucent variety of quartz, with a golden-yellow color. It exhibits a characteristic linear iridescence like a moving reflection. These lines are golden and brown in color and retain the fibrous structure of crocidolite. This very characteristic optical effect is known by the French word chatoyancy, which means “cat’s eye”. chatoyancyThe Tiger’s eye is encountered in USA, South Africa, Namibia, and Brazil. There is a darker tiger’s eye variety called Hawk’s Eye, which is deep blue, and another one called Bull’s Eye, which is deep red.

All minerals used for the creation of our kombolois are mostly gemstones used to craft jewelry. Careful use of this komboloi is recommended Inclusions, cracks and breakage surfaces are a natural phenomenon and should never be associated with wear and tear.

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Tiger's Eye